mapa všetkých miest kde sa konala konferencia CSGT

Information about fees

The conference fee includes accommodation, full board from Monday lunch to Friday lunch, refreshments during breaks, conference materials, social events during conference.

The registration fee is:

Early registration (until 15 March 2019)Late registration (until 30 April 2019)
Participant: double room390 EUR430 EUR
Participant: single room460 EUR500 EUR
Accompanying person340 EUR380 EUR

The payment has to be made through a bank transfer, with the following transaction details:

Bank name:Vseobecna uverova banka, Mlynske nivy 1, 82990 Bratislava 25, Slovak Republic
Account name:Zdruzenie
Address:Zdruzenie, Univerzita P.J. Safarika, Jesenna 5, 04001 Kosice, Slovak Republic
IBAN:SK34 0200 0000 0030 1670 2051
Purpose of payment: CSGT2019, the name(s) of participant(s)

The payment must be free of bank charges to the receiver.

No registration fee refund will be provided in the event of non-attendance.